GENESIS - Consistent five tracks

  • We’ve had lots of great polls about albums and tracks and I always find it hard to pick a top 1, 5, 10 or whatever it is. My top ten changes over time. But there will always be five songs in my top ten

    Supper’s Ready - the ultimate in grandeur and length

    The Musical Box - does most of what Supper’s Ready Does in half the time

    Cinema Show, 12 strings, great vocals, everyone playing to their best and those keyboard choirs as it surges near the end

    Follow You Follow Me - bit of an our tune

    Stagnation - for that proper early Genesis feel

    Beyond that I have about eight to ten that would take up the remaining five slots

    So, which five would always be in your top ten?

  • Suppers Ready (Live 77)

    The Musical Box

    Fly On A Windshield / Broadway Melody

    Blood On The Rooftops


    Los Endos (Live 77)

    Firth Of Fifth (version varies depending on mood)

    Oh that’s eight already, damn it. And the chances are that my other two would normally be Cinema Show (live) and Stagnation as well!

  • For everything: Supper's Ready

    For the solos: Firth of Fifth

    For the live epicness: In the Cage medley

    For the beauty: Ripples

    For the haunting punch: Mama

    For the perfect meld of vocal part and instrumental part: The Cinema Show

    For the more recent instrumental majesty: Second Home by the Sea

  • Christian

    Changed the title of the thread from “Consistent five tracks” to “GENESIS - Consistent five tracks”.
  • Good Q.


    Firth of Fifth

    Home By The Sea

    You Might Recall

    Feeding the Fire

    Calling All Stations

    Looking for Someone, Tonight Tonight Tonight and One For the Vine would always be on the list too though, so it's probably a consistent 8 for me. Then it starts to get murky... Down and Out, Heathaze and a couple selections from the Lamb (Carpet Crawl, Chamber of 32 Doors, Lamia) would be jostling against each other, along with Musical Box, Seven Stones, Eleventh Earl of Mar etc to round out a top 10.

  • Some interesting approaches here. I've simply gone with my top 10 and picked out half of them:

    The Waiting Room, 2nd bit


    Blood On The Rooftops

    Down And Out

    The Carpet Crawlers

    Abandon all reason

  • Blood on the Rooftops

    Eleventh Earl of Mar

    Turn it on Again


    Inside & Out

    “When the waitress asked if I wanted my pizza cut into four or eight slices, I said, ‘Four. I don’t think I can eat eight.’” -- Yogi Berra

    A soldier survived mustard gas in combat, and then pepper spray from the police. He's now a seasoned veteran.

  • Well, if I go with which ones are PLAYED the most, my list would probably look much different from what I LIKE the most-due to different circumstances, as one could imagine-like the fact that 80% of my listening occurs in the car while I'm driving.

    PLAY the most:

    1. Abacab (probably just cos it shows up first alphabetically on my iTunes

    2. Mama

    3. Invisible Touch (cos it's the first one to come on when I listen to that album, and I often don't have time to listen thru)

    4. Tonight Tonight Tonight (cos it's my favorite song)

    5. Naminanu (cos I love it)

    LIKE the most:

    1. Tonight Tonight Tonight

    2. Dance on a Volcano

    3. No Son of Mine

    4. Duke's Travels/End

    5. Mama

    LIKE the most, considering ALL ERAs:

    1. Tonight Tonight Tonight

    2. Behind The Lines/Duchess/Guide Vocal

    3. Dance on a Volcano

    4. Robbery Assault and Battery

    5. Dancing with the Moonlit Knight

    Cinema Show may be #5 instead (couldn't decide).

  • For me:

    Firth Of Fifth


    Fading Lights


    Carpet Crawlers

    "played the most" is quite interesting:

    The Carpet Crawlers 1999


    Dreaming While You Sleep

    Like It Or Not

    The Cinema Show




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  • Interesting! I love Dreaming While You Sleep. And I have a soft spot for the last two tracks on Abacab, feels like they are tucked away deep in the discography for some reason, more than the average 'deep cut'.

    I personally am baffled as to why they favored Another Record over songs like Paperlate, You Might Recall...even Naminanu for that matter. IMO Another Record has b-side written all over it! And also IMO it was a super weak way to end an album! It just feels like "Oh, hey guys-we forgot about this one!" "Ok just throw it in there real quick, we have some space left."

  • I personally am baffled as to why they favored Another Record over songs like Paperlate, You Might Recall...even Naminanu for that matter. IMO Another Record has b-side written all over it! And also IMO it was a super weak way to end an album! It just feels like "Oh, hey guys-we forgot about this one!" "Ok just throw it in there real quick, we have some space left."

    Oh well, never mind

    Abandon all reason