- Official Post
Yeah, that was weird that they overdubbed large parts of that Lamb set. Fans love authenticity, even if it’s not perfect—I assume.
Yeah, that was weird that they overdubbed large parts of that Lamb set. Fans love authenticity, even if it’s not perfect—I assume.
seconds out
Three sides live (the version with the extra studio tracks from Duke and Abacab)
It's hard to ignore the first few notes of Genesis Live-absolutely captivating. And much better sound quality than Seconds Out (original mixes).
If the sound quality was better, I would have gone with Seconds Out, but Three Sides Live sounds soooo much better.
Final Answer: Live and Three Sides Live.
Why did it take Genesis until 2007 to put out a live album that had the ALL the track AND in order?
I went with 3SL (my favorite of the bunch) and Seconds Out by the smallest of margins over Live. Seconds Out has that version of Cinema Show so...
Seconds out - it’s their best live album
And Live over Europe, a nice one from their so far most recent tour
Hey Rael. I have one of those Lamb shows too. It’s from West Palm Beach Fl, January ‘75. I got it off of Amazon too. It’s a bootleg, I’m assuming?
Yeah, but a better than average boot. I just noticed yesterday that there is another one from the Toronto Lamb show called "Back in Toronto/1974" but have not heard it yet, too pricey on Amazon for a boot.
3 Sides Live - This is the album that made me decide my friend wasn't crazy for trying to get me into the band after all. Once he got me to the Cage Medley, I was pretty hooked. I listened to those couple tracks over, and over, and over again when I was about 13-14 (and haven't stopped for close to 35 years), and that version of Afterglow is still one of my most played tracks. The rest of the album is great too. Abacab and Dodo / Lurker sound great. And then the BOOM ... dahn, dahn, dahn ... of Behind the Lines ... LOVE IT!!!
Live 1973 - First few tracks on there are really good, but for me, it's all about The Musical Box and The Knife. The version of TMB is amazing, and I could listen to it on a loop for hours. If I had to pick one track to explain to someone why love this band, that might have to be it (Behind the Lines from 3SL could also be on that list). And then The Knife just slays it. It's not really representative of the band as a whole, which is maybe one of the reasons I love it so much. And my dream Cover would be for Metallica to play that one live. James noodling around on the guitar for Tony's keyboard parts, Kirk nailing those guitar solos, Lars banging away on the drums, and 12,000 crazy fans chanting "We-are-on-ly-wan-ting-fre-e-dom!" Yeah, that totally checks all the boxes for me.
Maybe ask Iron Maiden, Steve Harris is a fan of early Genesis.
Yeah, but a better than average boot. I just noticed yesterday that there is another one from the Toronto Lamb show called "Back in Toronto/1974" but have not heard it yet, too pricey on Amazon for a boot.
I love a good boot recommendation, but is this not available on the Genesis – The Movement torrent board? I'm morally opposed to paying for boots; that seems counter to the spirit of the whole thing.
Seconds Out & Three Sides Live
Speaking of which, one of the biggest crimes they committed with the second Archive boxset was not to include the outtakes from SO like they did with TSL.
Have to go with Seconds Out and 3SL...
Seconds Out
Live & Four Sides Live
that is impossible but england winning today in football is not. GO ENGLAND GO!!!
Live and Seconds Out, no contest - I grew up with 'em, and they still pack a punch/an atmosphere I haven't found anywhere else.
And Rainbow in third, of course.
I listened to TSL when it was released, and it was pleasant enough, but it never really registered, apart from one track - and I might be confusing that with something else: wasn't there a version of Firth of Fifth on that album? I seem to remember a rather divisive guitar solo by Daryl. Am I thinking of another album?
Setlist wise I would rank SO on top followed by TSL. However, in terms of production and sound TSL kicks SO’s backside.
I listened to TSL when it was released, and it was pleasant enough, but it never really registered, apart from one track - and I might be confusing that with something else: wasn't there a version of Firth of Fifth on that album? I seem to remember a rather divisive guitar solo by Daryl. Am I thinking of another album?
There's no FOF on TSL, and I'm not sure what else you might be thinking of. There's a short version of FOF in the "Long Medley" on THE WAY WE WALK: THE SHORTS, and there's at least one live FOF as a B-side.
Thanks, DM. It was a long time ago and I had this on cassette tape, so it could have come from any number of places, but it was in the early Eighties, not Nineties...
The solo in question was very good IMHO, but very different from Steve's (call it 'shreddy' in hindsight), which upset a number of people, I seem to recall.
Actually, I just checked, and there was a 7 inches vinyl released in 1983 with a live version of FoF recorded in 1981. Probably the one you're looking for.
The solo was mainly improvised by Daryl, as opposed to 1992 and 2007, which was more prepared.
Actually, I just checked, and there was a 7 inches vinyl released in 1983 with a live version of FoF recorded in 1981.
Good grief, had no idea about this. What else was on this 7"?